The implementation of an Asset Integrity Management system requires a thorough approach. It is important to operate an Asset Integrity Management System with sufficient commitment and engagement in order to obtain sufficient quality and reliability. Our advice: Do this properly or don’t do it at all.
The implementation of the Asset Integrity Management system for Equipment includes:
Information gathering and setting up the model. In order to perform a strong analysis of the Tank Park, all available information needs to be gathered. It usually depends on the tank farm how much information is actually available. This information can come from physical files but IT-systems like CMMS or EAM systems can also provide input. In case of insufficient availability of information, Inventure Technologies can offer to make use of their experience and library of projects they have performed in the past. Furthermore, several industry standards like the OREDA database can provide input.
The next step in setting up the model is processing the information into an equipment model of the Tank Park. This means:
- Setting up an asset register;
- Defining failure modes per type/piece of equipment;
- Determining the causes of potential failure;
- Based on the combination of this information, the risk of failure is assessed by using one or more risk matrices;
- This assessment results in conclusions regarding specific type/piece of equipment. Equipment is critical or is not critical.
This concludes setting up the model of the Tank Park. Some examples of models that Inventure Technologies have set up are included in the library (these are just examples, many more can be used from the library):
- Fixed roof tank;
- Internal floating roof tank with dome;
- Tank floor (single, double, etc.);
- Pressure valve;
- Metering equipment.
Review of the model. The model will be reviewed together with involved members of the Tank Park organization. Usually this is done in two sessions:
- The objective of the first session is to review the model of the equipment (asset hierarchy and failure behavior). The outcomes of this review are shared with the technical staff of the Tank Park.
- Subsequently, a session is held to review the severity of failure in relation to the goals of the organization (business impact, customer impact, safety etc.). Usually Tank Park management and/or Operations are involved in this session.
These sessions result in a comprehensive understanding of how the Tank Park functions from a technical perspective and in the effect of thes Failure Mode Effect Analysis on the business of the Tank Park. When stakeholders are aligned and in agreement about the model, the next step can be taken.
Defining Mitigating Actions The final step is to establish an effective and efficient strategy to mitigate the risk of failure. For this complicated step, up- to-date knowledge is needed of tanks but also of most commonly used inspection techniques. Inspections techniques are improving every day and keeping up with these developments is essential.
The mitigating actions need to be based on the failure behavior of the equipment. Some key questions are:
- What is the effect of failure in terms of severity?
- Is the failure age-related?
- Is a PF-curve available for this type of failure?
- What is the MTTF, MTBF, MTTR, etc.?
- Is detection of the failure possible during normal operation?
- Is it a hidden failure?
Finding the answers to these questions together with maintenance and inspection staff leads to effective and efficient failure-risk mitigation. Some examples of measures are:
- Usage Based Maintenance;
- Time Based Maintenance;
- Condition Based Monitoring;
- Redesign;
- Inspection based on human senses;
- Function Testing;
- Quality Control;
- Other measures.
When gathered and put together, this list is input for the Tank Park maintenance and inspection plan. In a session with Tank Park Staff the plan will be reviewed and fine-tuned.