Many tank farms already apply Risk Based Inspection to assure the integrity of their tanks, pipelines, vessels, etc. They perform RCM or FMECA to assess the reliability of the Tank Farm. Although both methods are different, the output should be part of the same plan.
In order to provide an efficient and effective solution, Inventure Technologies offers an integrated approach which applies both RBI and RCM/FMECA for TankFarms.
The implementation of an Asset Integrity Management system requires a thorough approach. It is important to operate an Asset Integrity Management System with sufficient commitment and engagement in order to obtain sufficient quality and reliability. Our advice: Do this properly or don’t do it at all.
Continuous Asset Integrity Management
The result of the FMECA sessions will be secured in the RBIT360 Equipment Software. The preventive maintenance actions can be exported to Excel to enable transfer of these data to the Maintenance Management System of the Tank Park. The FMECA’s are reviewed on a regular basis, using failure data of the past period and if required Root Cause Analyses of important failures. The reviewed FMECA’s will be secured again in RBIT360 Equipment and the updated preventive maintenance actions can be exported to MS Excel again in order to update the Maintenance Management System.