This part of the system allows the Tank Owner to gain control of the integrity of the trendable/static/structural components of a tank and consequently make responsible decisions on inspection and maintenance.
The implementation of an Asset Integrity Management system requires a thorough approach. It is important to operate an Asset Integrity Management System with sufficient commitment and engagement within the organization in order to obtain sufficient quality and reliability. Our advice: Do this properly or don’t do it at all.
Implementing Tank Integrity Management
In today’s world with ever tighter maintenance budgets and ever-evolving legislation, it can be a challenge to operate and maintain a tank farm safely and responsibly. In this article we share with you how implementing Tank Integrity Management will help you in handling these challenges.
We start with a short description on the drivers for Tank Integrity Management and from there we will give an overview on how to implement Tank Integrity Management. We use a 5-step model to arrive at a complete implementation.
Continuous Asset Integrity Management
Once this system is implemented it will start generating schedules and high level work scopes to be executed. These are generated each year for the first year ahead and the following years. Work scopes need to be prepared, NDT companies supervised, repair scenario’s formulated, alternatives investigated, business cases formulated and of course the Asset Integrity Management System needs to be updated and actualized with new data. New data could be new inspection readings, product changes, modifications, operational changes, etc.
Inventure Technologies supports the Tank Owners in this process with a service called ‘Asset Integrity Management as a Service’
Software Addons
Together with Tank Owners, Inventure Technologies has developed several add-on software functionalities for the Asset Integrity Management System. These add-ons are optional yet helpful in mastering control of the assets.