Software addons
Together with Tank Owners, Inventure Technologies has developed several add-on software functionalities for the Asset Integrity Management System. These add-ons are optional yet helpful in mastering control of the assets.
NDT Portal
The NDT portal provides a digital connection between the Asset Integrity Management System of the Tank Park and the NDT/Inspection contractor. Through the portal NDT- and inspection-jobs can be requested by the Tank Owner. The NDT Contractor can upload the inspection data through the portal where it can be reviewed by the Tank Owner. After approval, the measurement readings that are accepted will automatically be uploaded in the RBIT360 Tanks Software and will immediately actualize the Tank data without any manual work.
A Tank Owner who operates multiple terminals can compare the Asset Integrity performance of each terminal using the Benchmarking add-on. A benchmark between terminals could be the average maintenance cost per tank with similar service, in relation to the condition of those tanks. Furthermore, the average remaining life and the inspection effectiveness can be compared.
BoBo Analysis
For Dutch operations, the BoBo-add-on includes the BoBo-analysis for tank storage operation as stipulated by local guidelines. This analysis can be performed manually or automatically. The framework and mechanics of this analysis are constructed in line with the view of the authorities. RBIT360 reports the actual and future situation graphically.
Additional functionality for simulating appropriate wind girder configurations on a storage tank.
Supported Vertical Tanks
The standard software includes the assessment of flat bottom, above ground, cylindrical storage tanks. This add-on allows for the assessment of vertical non-cylindrical tanks. It is typically used for vertical pressure-vessel type tanks on legs, used for low-pressure storage. The assessment is similar to standard but allows the assessment of additional and/or different components.
Out of Roundness
This add-on establishes the possibility to analyse and judge the out-of-roundness of a storage tank in accordance with API653. This is a direct assessment of the out-of-roundness rather than the differential settlement extrapolation-assessment stipulated in EEMUA 159.
Sub-parts Assessment with Visualisation
This option enables adding additional sub-parts to the tank roof (roof plates) and the tank floor (annular plates and membrane plates). If these subparts have been installed, a floor lay-out can be added to enable the use of visualization tools. Visualised information can contain actual thickness, and degradation rates.
Data of Interest (DoI) Guidance Tool
With this add-on, the user will be made aware of data that might be of interest or needs attention. It also includes the study-deficiencies. Indicators will appear next to important data in the system and aim to draw the user’s attention.